Author: shebaempowers

Mentorship: A Bridge to Your Best Self

A hallmark of effective leadership is the ability to challenge one’s perceptions—including thoughts, feelings, and assumptions—and to be receptive to correction. This quality is not just a marker of personal growth but also a gateway to deeper understanding, authentic connections, and transformative change. In a recent discussion, I found myself engaging with someone who held […]

Wisdom: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Wisdom is a transferable skill—a gift that keeps on giving. It transcends time, generations, and situations, becoming a lifeline when knowledge alone is not enough. Recently, I found myself faced with a situation that, admittedly, I wasn’t completely equipped to navigate. The details shared with me were intricate and complex. As I sat reflecting, seeking […]

God can afford everything!

The Abundance of God’s Provision A Lighthearted Revelation Recently, during a heartfelt discussion with my mom, she shared a simple yet profound statement: “God can afford everything!” At first, I chuckled at the casualness of it, but as I reflected, it resonated deeply with me. This statement encapsulates a powerful truth that many of us […]

I’m Blessed

  Recently I had a conversation with someone who made an interesting comment about being blessed. The person said, “Hopefully, the Lord blesses me so that I am able to do a few things.” Although I understood the sentiment, the God-presence in me, wanted to be sure to use this as a teachable moment. I […]

Seedtime And Harvest Time

I dropped my daughters off at school and then proceeded to walk home. This is my normal routine. As I walked, the scripture Genesis 8:22 came to me. It says, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and hot, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. The part that jumped […]