Seedtime And Harvest Time

I dropped my daughters off at school and then proceeded to walk home. This is my normal routine. As I walked, the scripture Genesis 8:22 came to me. It says, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and hot, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. The part that jumped out to me was the seed time and harvest. But it is not for typical reasons. There are times in our lives when we feel like we are giving, giving, and giving some more, but not receiving anything in return. Some have subscribed to the demand of reciprocity; if that is lacking, they walk away or fall back. They believe that if they are not receiving anything in return, then they should not give. Although I empathize with that sentiment because I understand its origin, it is carnal. It opposes the word of God. 

The Bible makes it very clear in this scripture that there is a time for everything, including the time to plant seeds even when there will be no immediate return. To make this point even clearer, know that seed time is not harvest time. There may be times in life when you are sowing seeds, or in more practical terms, you are giving and giving and giving some more. Yes! You are exhausted from giving but that is what happens during that season. On the other end, the good news is that the season does not last forever. 

Harvest time is coming! Let me remind you of this truth, as long as the earth endures, there will be harvest time as well. Now, let us take a deep dive into what that season looks like in case you need practical reinforcement. Have you ever had an experience where you were so overwhelmed by the generosity of others? You may have received gift after gift; someone sent you groceries or did something nice for your children. These gestures denote the season has changed. Harvest time is here!

In Nigeria, my second home, they say Christmas is not every day. The purpose of this is for you to understand transitions and seasonal shifts. If you are not careful, you can miss it. I want to encourage you, to just keep giving if you are in your seedtime season but if you are in your harvest time season, keep receiving. You deserve it. If you struggle with receiving, you want to work on it. One thing you never want to do is sabotage your blessings. Why? Because you put in the seeds, you did the sowing, you did the giving, it is just a matter of time before you experience the season that comes right after that, which is harvest time. 
